Adventure Alpine Gorkha

Treks & Expeditions Pvt. Ltd.

Travel Article
  • Admin
  • September 27, 2019
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Difference between a Tea House and Camping Trek in Nepal

In Nepal is various popular destination is well recognized as a trekking area. Here are many more mountain ranges, naturally decorated by the incredible landscape. Nepal is the sandwich between two giant countries India and China. We have a unique culture and tradition, but we worship every culture and tradition equally. 

Nepal is the developing country; we don’t have that much well established each sector. But we are a landlocked country, and we are not well-established infrastructure and very hard to exceed the very essential every part of our country. Here is mostly covered by the hill and mountain areas. So it is the best place for the trekking.

Therefore we can categories two types of trekking in Nepal. If we looked 10-12 years ago, we have to arrange camping trek because of the concept of the tea house and Nepal is the underdeveloped country, it means less constructed rod ways, not only that here we have to very difficult to access by the road. Mostly Nepal is the coverage by the hilly areas and very hard to construct and very much expensive to build a roadway as well as the necessary transfer arrangement.

Before many years ago more camping trek but nowadays very easy to do a tea house trek in Himalayan country Nepal.

Tea house trekking 

Tea house trekking provides luxurious facilitated hotel or lodges available location, where we stay every destination. The number of the tea house is open during the trekking route in Nepal. We will remain a nice hotel, where you can choose for your test from the menu for the meal and breakfast as well as you get a hot and cold shower after a tired walking. Nowadays we can connect through the internet service.

Adventure Alpine Gorkha Treks (AAGT) chose a best and friendly service provider hotel in tea house trekking even though you have to carry a sleeping bag because of the cold in the Himalayan region in a higher place for the worm sleeping and good health.

Camping trek 

Camping is also another way to doing a trek, which was a fantastic location and a big group of staff, they will help all set-off and shelter for tent and food for meal carry by the porter and cook will be cooked delicious food on the way of trekking. You have to carry a small bag for a bottle of water and some stuff for the changing a cloth during walking on the trail. Rest of the necessities will take the porter. Most of the places in Nepal covered by the remote location, where we arrange a camping trek. You will here for the adventure and relax with nature. Our company helps to arrange a beautiful trip in Nepal.

Usually camping trek is higher up than the tea house trekking because of the arrangement of the shelter, food and everything carried from the beginning of the trek.

Why choose tea hose trek instead camping trekking?

  • We don’t need to carry a lot of stuff trekking for the tea hose trekking 
  • It will easy for the solo trekking 
  • Tea hose is more comfortable than the camping trek
  • Nowadays most of the part of trekking route plenty of tea hose on the way, it will easy to found a luxurious place 
  • Local tea lodge provides fresh and organic food during the trek
  • It will better for the budget trek

So, our company also focused on tea hose trekking in Himalaya but if anybody our client interested to do a camping trek we can arrange. We had a great effort to provide a hospitality service to our guest.

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